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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2017

Abstract in UNNES International Conference 2014

MARITAL POETRY IN MADURESE CULTURE CHAIRUDDIN Student of Magister Program UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET SURAKARTA Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta - Indonesia Literature is able to play the role as a communication tool in conveying the rules about moral values to the readers whether for children, teenagers, or adults. An analysis of moralist literature is not only focus on one genre of literature but also it has an absolutely characteristic. A moralist literature can be implemented to the short story, novel, poetry, and folklore. In this occasion, the writer tries to conduct a moral analysis based on the marital poetry in Madurese culture entitled “ Meggha’ Bhalabhar (Mokka’ Labang Petto’) ” cutting the barrier and opening the seven doors. Related to this poetry, there are seven things that must be done in Madurese culture concept in conducting or getting married. Those are called as a moral value which is covered in marital poetry. The result of

Thesis Abstract

CODE-SWITCHING IN ENGLISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOMS: ITS IMPLICATION TO THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ACHIEVEMEN T IN ENGLISH (SOCIO-PRAGMATIC APPROACH) ABSTRACT             Chairuddin. S891302012. 2016. Code-switching in English as foreign language classrooms: its implication to the students’ speaking achievement in English (socio-pragmatic approach) (A Case Study at sixth semester on English department of STKIP PGRI Bangkalan in the academic year of 2015 / 2016). First Consultant: Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. Second Consultant: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed, Ph.D. A thesis. Surakarta: English Education Department. Graduate Program of Teacher training and education Faculty , Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.             The aims of the research are: (1) to investigate the lecturer’s code-switching (2) to find out the students’ code-switching, and (3) to describe the implication of code-switching to the students’ speaking acquisition within the EFL classrooms

Abstrak untuk Call for paper di Unijoyo Madura (SENABASTRA) 2017

SIMBOL WARNA SEBAGAI IDENTITAS MASYARAKAT MADURA: ANALISIS SOSIO-SEMANTIC Chairuddin STKIP PGRI BANGKALAN Abstrak Masyarakat Madura sangatlah unik dimata nasional maupun internasional. Banyak sekali penelitian tentang masyarakat Madura yang dilakukan oleh pakar internasional. Keadaan masyarakat Madura yang begitu unik menurut sudut pandang mereka itulah yang menjadi alasan kenapa mereka sangat tertarik sekali meneliti Madura (masyarakatnya). Salah satu keunikannya yaitu terkait dengan cara pandang masyarakat Madura dalam memaknai simbol yaitu warna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memaparkan tentang identitas masyarakat Madura melalui simbol warna, dimana mereka dikenal sebagai masyarakat yang tidak mengenali salah satu simbol warna secara umum. Metode analisis deskriptif akan dilakukan dalam menjelaskan data-data yang diperoleh oleh peneliti. Obeservasi dan tanya jawab akan menjadi bagian dari penelitian ini. Adap